Adam Ondra Sends the Dawn Wall

Remember that time Adam Ondra  sent the Dawn Wall?  Let us refresh your memory…Yesterday, Adam Ondra sent the Dawn Wall.  Here’s what he said during one of the 32 pitches:

“Hats off to Tommy and Kevin, who believed that the whole climb was possible before they free climbed. Without having the beta, some of the sections look just impossible. I have the advantage that I know that the climb is possible and that helps me to keep the faith that I might be able to do it as well. I am humbled and impressed by what Tommy and Kevin did!”

Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson were the first in the world to make the free ascent of the big wall, over the course of 19 days in December 2014 into January 2015.  Years were spent finding the line.  Yesterday, twenty-three year-old Ondra finished the ascent in eight days. The rest of the world celebrates with him, as this sport is once again pushed to the next level.   The evolution of climbing, inspired by visionaries before, continues…

“This is one of the best feelings I’ve ever had in climbing. Wow, so good. I think it’ll be a long-lasting happiness and joy due to the length and effort of the route.” –Ondra

Related Articles: National Geographic – Five Reasons Why The Dawn Wall First Free Ascent Has Pushed Climbing Forward  –  Adam Ondra Makes Second Free Ascent of Dawn Wall in Yosemite

Feature photo: taken by Heinz Zak


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