3 Yoga Sequences to Help You Relax and Climb

To say the past 24 hours have been stressful might be a bit of an understatement. Whether you’re battling tension related to politics or some other stressor, take a deep breath and try adding one of these yoga sequences to your gym session to get your mind and body ready to climb.

Mix It Up: This 14-pose Sun Salutation variation by Liza Savage-Katz is designed to be integrated with your existing workout. Breaking up the tedium of repetitious drills with something new can help wake up both your muscles and your motivation.

Tension Tamer: This short and sweet flow by David Procyshyn is perfect for releasing tension before you start your climbing session or get on your latest project.

Open Up: There’s no way around it – hip mobility is critical to your climbing. This sequence by Stephanie Snyder begins with Sun Salutations, then flows through poses focused on opening the hips and releasing negative emotions, ideal for your cool-down at the end of a tough session.

If you’re still feeling tense, join us this coming Sunday, November 13th, for a special two-hour yoga class with Nel, including the chance to indulge in a delicious chocolate treat after the session.

Yoga AND chocolate? Your stress doesn’t stand a chance.


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